Goan food will appeal to the International palate with a little bit of extra spice and zing from the coconut vinegar. My finds are a few since my exposure to International cuisine is limited for now, but I was amazed by the similarities between the food and names as well.

1. A typical Thanksgiving stuffing is very similar to a snack dish called “Asorda” made from leftover bread and beef or just plain.

2. “Beef Croquettes” a very popular appetizer for parties and weddings derived from the French croquer, “to crunch” gained worldwide popularity, both as a delicacy and as a fast food.

3. “Pastelao” similar to the chicken pot pie in the US is made of beef stew with a crust.

4. “Empanadas” has variations, but is a name popular in Southern Europe, Latin America, and parts of Southeast Asia. Empanadas are made by folding dough or bread around stuffing, which usually consists of a variety of meat, cheese, huitlacoche, vegetables or fruits, among others

5. “Feijoada” popular in Brazil it almost always has black beans and always has a mixture of salted, smoked and fresh meats.The Goan version is made with Red kidney beans and spicy Goan Sausage or pork meat.


Feijoada made with Red Kidney Beans and Goan Pork Sausage

6. “Congee” popular in China and other Asian countries is a thick porridge or soup of rice which has usually disintegrated after prolonged cooking in water. It is served with side of fish or meats or pickles.

7. “Bacalhau” common in Portugal, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico this dish is prepared with salted and dried cod, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and olives.

8. “Potato Chops” made in Goa from ground beef stuffed inside potato cakes and coated with cream of wheat or semolina and then shallow fried. Is similar to the Papas Rellenas (Spanish: stuffed potatoes) is a traditional dish in Peruvian cuisine.

9. “Dodol Christmas Sweet” which is made of a mixture of wheat and Rice flour along with coconut milk and coconut jaggery is similar to Sri lankans Kalu Dodol is a sweet dish,that is dark and sticky which consists mainly of kithul jaggery (from the sap of the toddy palm), rice flour and coconut milk.

10. Thanks to our Facebook fan Rohit , how could I ever forgot the most popular “Goan Sausages( Chorico)” . A bold flavor sausage the taste you will never forget. Typically made of pork meat but now you can find it in beef.

These are a few of my finds. If you know of any let it be the 11th .

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